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Get Involved
Are you a RESTAURANT with extra food? Create an account below to donate it!
Why Sign Up?
1. You can make a difference and help combat hunger.
2. The Federal Good Samaritan Food Donation Act gives you legal protection.
3. Food donation can get you tax deductions, making it financially better to not throw the food away.
Are you a NONPROFIT that needs food? Create an account below to join our network!
Are you a VOLUNTEER passionate about fighting food insecurity? Create an account to join the movement!
In less than an hour, you can make a difference...
We will connect you to restaurants and charitable organizations near you. All you have to do is pick up the food and deliver it!
Gain access to the
billions of pounds of food
that go to waste every year in the restaurant industry.
Log Out to Create a New Account
Want to help us out elsewhere? Join us as an ambassador!
As an ambassador, your job is to...
Fundraise for local food banks or homeless shelters
Write blog posts on your local efforts to combat food insecurity
Write articles on the impact of food insecurity
Find new partners for the Food Saver Project
Become An Ambassador
Interested in becoming an ambassador?
Fill out the form below and we will reach out!